Thursday, June 18, 2009

hope every one check out my new movie
about grade 7 and 8

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

let's talk about volcanoes, earthquakes, and mountains


what is a volcano

A volcano is a cooling vent for the earth or a way to get the heat from the inside of the earth to the outside.

Athanasius kircher

Although the geology was wrong he thought the planet had a flaming core that fuelled the volcanoes when the gods were mad at them.
He was part wrong but it was a start

How is a volcano formed

Volcanoes are formed when the plate tectonics start to over lap one another and push the other up.

Also if magma is pushed to the surface then it will keep going and going and usually flow down the sides and build up.
But how does it get to the surface there is a theory that the sun and moon will draw out the magma from the core.

Shield cone volcano

This volcano will ooze out lava it will not explode.
it is formed when hot lava push it’s way to the surface that oozes down the sides